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Student Testimonials
Major Prophetess and Global Prophetic school has made a major impact on my life by teaching on the prophetic and helping us identify false prophets. I continue to remind myself that knowing how to deliver a word or correction to do it with finesse to win and not loose anyone due to offense. The school has also confirmed that people can bring forth a prophetic word without having the title of prophet. Global Prophetic has dedicated people who care genuinely about each other and truly desire to see the plan and purpose of God be full filled in their life. The teachers challenge their students to think and research the meaning of what we read and what is God really saying. There are a lot of benefits to learning about the prophetic because God is always speaking to us either through a dream, song, vision, numbers, colors, scent and so on what better place to learn this but Global Prophetic Training Center.
Major Prophetess Benaye Burgess has showed me that my gift is authentic and that God has placed me here for His glory. She as poured into me when I needed it the most, pulled out gifts that I didn't realize was there or laid dormant and I love when she is in a silly mood because she can make you laugh for hours. Major Prophetess is a well rounded woman and understands we all have struggles and tries to help you get through your short comings. She is always honest and will let you know when you are wrong. Major Prophetess is a hard working woman, she !et's you see by her lifestyle that hard work, a heart for God and a willing spirit you can accomplish anything. #INSPIRE---Angela Harris
I was introduced to Prophetess Burgess at the home of a acquaintance in 2010 where we were attending a meeting for battered women. During our conversation i found out that she was the instructor for Global Prophetic Training Center. I then kept in touch with her until school was opened in the Summer and so I became a student there. As a student I was taught what I needed to because I need to know all about the prophetic. There was so many times when she imparted words in my life and she was right on target, she was also able to pull gifts from inside me which gives me confidence. trust, increase in my faith walk so l am able to do what God has called me to do. I am confident that my relocation to NC was not by chance or by accident but that it was ordained by God so to him be the glory honor and praise. And thank God that I was not disobedient to his voice.Thank you Jesus
---Blossom Reynolds